How About a Fact-checking App for Articles?

blogs.rrc-Truth-MythSome computers like IBM’s Watson can store millions of facts and that’s a fact. If Watson could do that, it’s so believable that it could also check if articles are factual and do not contain false ‘facts’.

Free Journalism Ethics Hotline
‘The Society for Professional Journalists just revised its code of ethics for the first time in 18 years for the digital age, and the Online News Association is crowdsourcing a project that allows journalists to build individual codes of ethics on the premise that one standardized code can no longer represent everyone.

‘Lodged in between these contrasting initiatives is a question about whether more standardized ethics codes have become stale in a fast-paced media environment where the working conditions for journalists are ever-changing. Or, do they in fact represent much-needed, objective fix points in a fluid world where far too much is already relative and individual?…’
– See more

A Novel and Forbidden Collaboration Through the Net in Tibet
‘Five years in the making, solely through online communication, a unique music collaboration between a Tibetan musician in exile and a Tibetan poet inside Tibet, was finally released internationally in July 2013.

‘The first collaboration of its kind, the song Lam La Che is an example of how the internet allows Tibetans in exile and Tibetans inside Tibet to reach across borders to not only communicate, but also collaborate.

‘Tibetan musicians making pro-Tibetan art inside Tibet risk censorship and imprisonment for their work. Tibetans diaspora musicians can produce art freely but know that their work might not reach Tibetans living under Chinese control…’

Following Political Pressure, Citizen-Led Rural Libraries Shut Down in China
‘China’s rural areas don’t receive the same education resources that the country’s wealthier urban centers do. This gap is a widely acknowledged problem, and many organizations have been established to improve the facilities in rural China and ensure that the students there aren’t left behind.

‘However, Chinese authorities don’t exactly welcome citizen-led initiatives with open arms, and recently an independent library project called China Rural Library (CRL) was forced to close due to political pressure…’

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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