Physical Anthropology/Human Bones in Forensics

One will notice that in crime fiction, forensics is always about human body parts, textile (including carpet) fibers, and just everything about what the victim or criminal touched. In Aaron Elkins’ “Icy Clutches”, it was specifically about human bones.

In the story, 3 members of a botanical research team from the University of Washington, died in an ice (not snow) avalanche in Alaska. Thirty years later, Professor Tremaine, the leader and survivor of the doomed expedition, was given a contract to write a book about the incident (Tremaine hinted that there were gory secret details of the incident) and the publisher invited relatives of the victims to join Tremaine to visit the site of the accident so the relatives could add intimate details for the book about the dead victims. When the group visited the site, human bones were discovered so authorities were prompted to investigate. The FBI worked with the ‘bone detective’, anthropologist Gideon Oliver.
After Tremaine started sharing some details of his manuscript to the new group, he got murdered.

If you’re interested in criminal forensics involving human bones, this book is worthy of research.
It’s funny that 2 days after I posted this, the ‘historic snowpocalypse’ happened at Washington.

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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2 Responses to Physical Anthropology/Human Bones in Forensics

  1. Ragnar says:

    There seems to be a trend of focusing on bones lately. Of course there’s the crime scene investigation show called “bones” where bones always play the main role when it comes to determining cause of death and other information about the deceased.

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