Cartoon Network Seeks Filipino 3D Artists

wikipedia-indexIn 1993 when 3D animation isn’t popular yet, Walt Disney subcontracts our office Tokyo Animation in Manila. Lion King was just one of the movies we created scenes of.

‘Silas Hickey, Cartoon Network’s creative director for animation development in Asia Pacific, said the country is loaded with skilled animators in 3D.

‘“We do a lot of lab work in the Philippines because a lot of people love to draw. You are much aware that Johnny Bravo was developed by a Filipino artist based in the United States,” he said during his talk with Top Draw Animation Inc. animators and students held at Tektite Tower, Pasig City.

“’We want to grow the next generation of storytellers in Asia Pacific,” Hickey pointed out…’

The Abusive Campaign of Gamergate
Lazy coverage of Gamergate is only feeding this abusive campaign
‘Gamergate’s self-image of itself as ‘crusaders for ethics’ isn’t supported by its actions, so the media should stop describing it as such

‘For any traditional protest movement, a front-page story in America’s leading newspaper linking it with death threats, harassment and terror threats should be a death knell.

‘But this may not be the case for “#gamergate”, an online movement started in August as a harassment campaign against a little-known indie game developer which has now widened to include nearly all games industry feminists as its target…’

This Artist Is Also a Robot
‘Between 2004 and 2008, I worked as a video editor in Hollywood. This description comes with plenty of qualifiers: It wasn’t a job with any artistry or excitement (it was, as I described it to curious/confused parties back then, “industrial editing”). The motto of the company I worked for was “Know Better,” and its logo looked eerily like an Illuminati eye; it sold itself as a way for corporations/PR companies/freelancing-citizens-full-of-vanity to amass knowledge about their place in the business world through the monitoring of media. To do this, it recorded TV and radio broadcasts from around the country, and resold commercial-free chunks of said broadcasts to the as-yet uninformed. Need to see how your opposition is being perceived by CNBC’s Jim Cramer? We got what you need. Want a shot of you catching that foul ball at the game? Give us a call…’

About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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