Committing Writing Crimes

inspiredmagz-ImageProxy.mvcHow a small slip of the pen could land us in jail with multiple charges
A publisher offers you a gig job and asks you to probe and write about a new popular murder case. You discovered that you know one of the victim’s neighbors and went to interview the call girl or service woman. She told you that she saw the victim Hillary having a quarrel with a certain Shamir. Another call girl said Coker threatens them with a knife and robs them all. You wrote what the women said. You also wrote that Shamir is a Jew, and that Jews have a secret practice of killing Christian children in sacrificial rites, then submitted it to the publisher.

When the judge who was handling the murder case read your story, he got very mad and summoned you to the court. He accused you of three things. Slander because you accused Shamir of murder when the court proved he was not. Inciting to riot because Shamir became a target of anti-Jews and was forced into hiding and evading investigation. And for that, you were also accused of interfering and impeding law procedures.

‘What enraged me most was that you slandered a race—the Jewish race.’ the judge said. ‘If there is such a law of slandering a race, I would be very glad to add that charge.’ The judge also charged the publisher with impeding law procedures and inciting to riot.

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About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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