Plato on-line

Brown Skin + Heavy Coat + Backpack = ?
‘The evil stupidity that created him.’ That is a line from a crime fiction book of Caleb Carr and he was referring to stupid parents. And I bet you know or met one psycho or serial killer without even knowing it.

‘The “Serial Killer Profile” concept was first unveiled in 1984 by FBI agent Robert Ressler in an address to the International Assoc. of Forensic Sciences. Ressler is credited with first using the term “Serial Killer”.
Ressler & the Serial Killer Profile.

‘Ressler told the International Assoc. of Forensic Sciences that many serial killers displayed a history of a troubled childhood which resulted in characteristics such as:

came from a dysfunctional family
were abused mentally, physically or sexually
often were abandoned by father, raised by domineering mothers
did poorly at school
usually hated their parents
over 60% wet their beds past 12 years of age
displayed a fascination with fire…

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About DigitalPlato

Poch is a Bookrix author and a freelance writer. He is a frequent contributor to TED Conversations.
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